Tuesday 22 February 2011

Mayflower students are awesome at skiing!

The advanced group tackling a double black diamond just off the high part of the resort

The intermediate group taking on a jump on Wren Hollow black run....enjoy!

The much improved beginners group speeding along a blue route looking very confident

An unusual way to stop

Boarders are definately cooler

Speed demons in the making

Still screaming!

Who employed this cameraman? He's rubbish!


  1. Nice deckchair moment Grace!

    Faith are you having any Bourbon withdrawal symptoms yet? Got loads in for your return.
    Glad to see you having such a great time, enjoy your last day.
    Love Mum and Dad x

  2. Great to watch all the videos looks like you have all had a fantastic time. Miss Guy thanks for organising the trip bet it all seems worth while now! Enjoy the last day & a safe trip home.x

  3. Great videos guys you look like your having such a great time wish i was there !!! Cant wait to see you Chazza xXx :)
