Friday 18 February 2011

Arrival at Wyoming Hotel

All party arrived safe and sound with luggage in tow to the stop over hotel in Wyoming. After the longest day travelling and a few hours sleep we are about to grab breakfast before heading off to hit the shopping mall for some well earned retail therapy.
All the students behaviour has been exceptional through the travel period, and have even helped out the flight attendants with handing out pretzels to customers (stage one of the interview process complete!)

After shopping and a little more travel, we will be getting ourselves suited and booted at the ski fit area ready to take to the slopes tomorrow morning.

Blogging updates will take place again tonight (Utah time -7hrs UK) pictures will follow.


  1. To all the staff a BIG thanks , special mention for Miss Guy who had the headache of trying to sort the travel arrangements for such a big party over her christmas break, above and beyond the call of duty in my opinion!
    To my girls- enjoy the snow and look after each other. Grace I hope you have some money left after hitting the shops!!
    Pam - Grace and Faith's mum

  2. Love the blog - great idea thanks !
    Happy skiing today everyone - pouring with rain here so much much more fun there ! Best wishes , Gilian ( Ehren's mum) xx

  3. Morning all ! we have arrived at our hotel and will be blogging again later tonight with some pictures and information on our day.

    Off to hit the slopes, fresh powder here we come !

  4. We are all very jealous of you!!!!! Have a fantastic day ! Love to charlotte xx

  5. Hi All,

    Just made contact, kids love the hotel, fresh snow over night (14 inches!).

    Great meal yesterday evening at the Italian.

    Off to the slopes for their first ski lessons.
    Have fun kids

  6. Hope everyone has a great first day skiing.
    Sounds like the flight was fun, hope they didnt get too many ideas from watching Fly-Lo!
    Love to Josh and keep up the texts.
    Frances Butcher

  7. Hello, hope that you all have a great time sking and that the snow is good. Bet now that you are there all that travelling was worth it.

    Sam, have a great time, give us a text to keep us up to date. Lots of love to you mate from Ryder, Leo and Paul

    Claire Murphy - Sam' Mum

  8. Chelsea are out of the cup ... just in case you were interested (Ashley Cole missed penalty made my day)....

  9. Hi Guys and girls grt to hear u r havinng such a grt time cant wait to see some piccys....

  10. Ps Hope your cold is getting better Chas.xx

  11. hi guys hope you are having great time skiing.miss you Chas !!!!! xxx Hope everyones enjoying America cant wait to go in a couple of years !!!! x love from Izzy -Chas' sister xx
