Monday 28 February 2011


We would just like to say a BIG Thank-you to all the Students for making the trip so fantastic. It has been a pleasure to be in the company of such fantastic students who represented Mayflower so well and who are a credit to their parents.

We will be posting more photos and videos and also looking in to making a photo album for you to purchase which Mr Bunyan will be investigating. If you have any Photos or videos that you would like to be put on the blog please bring them in on a disk or USB stick and we will upload them.

See you all Tuesday !

Miss Guy, Mr Bunyan, Mr Griffiths, Mrs Harris Miss Measor, Mrs Anthony, Miss Hall and Mr Moore,

1 comment:

  1. The photo album would be a really great idea - I know Ehren had a fabulous time & has just one photo!
    Yes please!
