Tuesday 22 February 2011

The compulsary group shot

Can you spot your one?


  1. Just watched and looked through all the pics & videos - Brilliant. I am really glad that you are all having such a great time, I just wish I was there but then Sam you probably wouldn't have such a good time ! Keep them coming, they have made my day today !! Claire (Sam's Mum) <3 x

  2. I am convinced Mac went on a different ski trip, he is managing to avoid these camera shots well.

  3. UGLY BUNCH......

    Great Piccys and Vids everyone looking forward to seeing you soon Chas

    Mum and Dad x

  4. What a great time you all seemed to have had.
    thanks very much to all you teachers and for the videos and pics.

    Have a safe journey home everyone.

    Judith Sandy (rob's mum)

  5. Hi Bryn and all......

    Looks like a fab time was had by all....
    I suppose it will be goodbye sunshine holidays and HELLO winter sport holidays Bryn?

    Cant wait to see you.
    Safe trip Home.
    Love Mum, Dad Lily & Rhys

  6. I can't believe you're already on your way home..... where has the week gone?

    Looks like everyone has had a fantastic time!The Blog has been brilliant - it's been great to follow the trip and share the fun!Thank you for taking the time to keep it so up-to-date!

    Thanks to all the staff team for giving up your half-term to enable the children to enjoy such a fabulous experience, and speical thanks to Miss Guy, for organising the trip and having to sort out the changed travel arrangements (over Christmas too!)

    Safe journey home!

    Ann (Aidan's Mum)

  7. What a mottley crew!!
    Thank you for all the pics and videos - they're brilliant - we have really enjoyed them. Big thanks to all the staff for making it such a wonderful week for eveyone. Have a good journey home. See you in the morning!!

  8. Yes the blog is a great idea - really made me laugh too!
    And much more info about what you've been up to than would ever get out of Ehren!
    Thank you to everyone, Gillian ( Ehren's mum) xx

  9. Such a long journey home with the delay,but looking at all the fab pics &video ,so worth it good job got monday off!!
    The blog has been great!All the family have really enjoyed it.
    Big thank you to all the teachers looks like you all had a fab time.
    Dee [amy`s mum ]
