Monday 28 February 2011


We would just like to say a BIG Thank-you to all the Students for making the trip so fantastic. It has been a pleasure to be in the company of such fantastic students who represented Mayflower so well and who are a credit to their parents.

We will be posting more photos and videos and also looking in to making a photo album for you to purchase which Mr Bunyan will be investigating. If you have any Photos or videos that you would like to be put on the blog please bring them in on a disk or USB stick and we will upload them.

See you all Tuesday !

Miss Guy, Mr Bunyan, Mr Griffiths, Mrs Harris Miss Measor, Mrs Anthony, Miss Hall and Mr Moore,

Thursday 24 February 2011

Urgent! Flight update.

We have safely arrived at Charlotte airport, but unfortunately our flight to London - Gatwick is currently delayed due to a technical fault on the plane. Our current information is that a replacement plane is on route from Philadelphia, and we will not be boarding till 22.00 U.S. time (approx 05.00 UK + 1 day)

We will post updates as soon as they become available to us, alternatively you can look up flight details on the BAA or US Airways website (flight no. US732)

Keep checking the Blog

Tuesday 22 February 2011

The compulsary group shot

Can you spot your one?

Mayflower students are awesome at skiing!

The advanced group tackling a double black diamond just off the high part of the resort

The intermediate group taking on a jump on Wren Hollow black run....enjoy!

The much improved beginners group speeding along a blue route looking very confident

An unusual way to stop

Boarders are definately cooler

Speed demons in the making

Still screaming!

Who employed this cameraman? He's rubbish!

2011 Figure Skating Contest - Salt Lake City, Utah

Please comment on your score

Introducing, representing the Mayflower girls in the figure skating contest....Miss Amy Powell!

And now the boys... Mr Connor Coughlin!

You decide :)

Amy, your encore please

Ice Skating at the Olympic Oval, Salt Lake City

Tom Bishop's 14th Birthday

Wow! Look at the size of that pizza

Happy birthday Tom

Connor pushed Mrs Anthony too far, so she pushed connor into his cake :)

Friday 18 February 2011

Arrival at Wyoming Hotel

All party arrived safe and sound with luggage in tow to the stop over hotel in Wyoming. After the longest day travelling and a few hours sleep we are about to grab breakfast before heading off to hit the shopping mall for some well earned retail therapy.
All the students behaviour has been exceptional through the travel period, and have even helped out the flight attendants with handing out pretzels to customers (stage one of the interview process complete!)

After shopping and a little more travel, we will be getting ourselves suited and booted at the ski fit area ready to take to the slopes tomorrow morning.

Blogging updates will take place again tonight (Utah time -7hrs UK) pictures will follow.

Friday 28 January 2011

New Ski Trip Information

Proposed Outline of the Ski Trip
(Student to be given final itinerary before we go)

Thursday 17th February  2011

5.30am - Meet at Mayflower High School for boarding of coaches
5.45am – leave Mayflower High School and head for London Gatwick Airport.
8.35am – Check in at airport
US AIRWAYS – US733W – Charlotte Douglas International Airport
US AIRWAYS – US1529W - Denver International Airport
8pm – Arrive at Denver Airport and board a coach and transfer to hotel for overnight stay .Travel to Hotel (Quality Inn, 1801 East Cedar St., Rawlins WY) approx 3 hours away.
Meals will be provided throughout the transfer.
Arrive at hotel 11pm approx

Friday 18th February 2011
8-9am  – Breakfast at hotel and Transfer remainder of journey  by coach to SLC - check in at
 Holiday Inn Hotel West Valley Utah,
3036 S.Decker Lake Drive, West
, Valley,City,UTAH,84119
Am/Pm – Shopping at local mall and retail parks
6.30pm – Dinner and Evening activity – Swimming / flumes at hotel

Saturday  19th February 2011
8am – Breakfast and Transfer to Brighton Ski Resort
9am – Ski fit and allocation of lesson groups
10.30am – Morning Ski Lesson
1pm – Lunch
2pm – Afternoon Ski Lesson
4.30pm – Ski Lesson End and Transfer back to hotel
6.30pm /7pm – Dinner
8pm/8.30pm – Evening Activity

Sunday 20th February 2011
8am – Breakfast and Transfer to Brighton Ski Resort
10am – Morning Ski Lesson
12.30pm – Lunch
1.30pm – Afternoon Ski Lesson
4pm – Ski Lesson End and Transfer back to hotel
6.30pm /7pm – Dinner
8pm/8.30pm – Evening Activity

Monday 21st February 2011
8am – Breakfast and Transfer to Brighton Ski Resort
10am – Morning Ski Lesson / shopping or swimming or tubing activity dependant on night ski
12.30pm – Lunch
1.30pm – Afternoon Ski Lesson
4pm – Ski Lesson End and Transfer back to hotel
6.30pm /7pm – Dinner
8pm/8.30pm – Evening Activity / Possible night ski

Tuesday 22nd February 2011
8am – Breakfast and Transfer to Brighton Ski Resort
10am – Morning Ski Lesson
12.30pm – Lunch
1.30pm – Afternoon Ski Lesson
4pm – Ski Lesson End and Transfer back to hotel
6.30pm /7pm – Dinner
8pm/8.30pm – Evening Activity 

Wednesday 23rd February 2011
9.30am – Morning Ski Lesson
12.30pm – Lunch
1.30pm – Afternoon Ski Lesson
4pm – Ski Lesson End and Transfer back to hotel to shower and change
5.30pm - Depart from Holiday Inn West Valley Utah
9.00pm – Arrive at Quality Inn, 1801 East, Cedar St., Rawlins WY for overnight stay (the same hotel as when we arrived)

Thursday 24th February 2011
6.30 - 7am – Breakfast and remainder of transfer for Departure at Denver Airport
12.05pm US AIRWAYS 1526W
5.09pm – Arrive at Charlotte Douglas International Airport
6.20pmUS AIRWAYS 732W

Friday 25th February 2011
10am (APPROX) – Arrival at Mayflower High School

Students will contact parents to give arrival time at Mayflower.

Final itinerary will be given to students the week before we go, please confirm any changes in medical issues or anything else we need to be made aware of.

Money: Please ensure that students have no more than £400 worth of currency with them on the trip.

Passports need to be handed in to Miss Guy or Miss Measor on the Monday 14th February at the Lower School Office.

Student meeting will take place at breaktime on that day in room 10.

Hoodies will be distrubuted before the trip by Miss Hall as soon as available.

  • We will still be doing 5 days skiing – sat/sun/mon/tues/wed
  • We will be shopping on the Friday. We will transfer in the morning and shop in the afternoon.
  • Evening activities will comprise of Night Skiing, Ice Skating, Cinema, Roller Skating and Swimming, the quiz evening will take place on the coach journeys

I have been in conversations with the company since 24th December 2010 when I was informed of the issues with our flights. I had to call Senior Leadership at Mayflower to get authorisation for us to leave earlier on the Thursday. I then worked between Christmas and New Year to ensure each child (74 of them) did not have any controlled assessments or examinations taking place. I found out that authorisation was given on 4th January 2011 and wanted to inform parents an students of the situation as soon as I could. I have worked with the company to supply us with hotels half way between the transfers so that the students get some sleep. The coaches will have dvds players that we can use and I am going to purchase some USA region dvds to play on our journeys.

I have been on airline websites and found flights as many parents have but as we are a large group (82) we cannot get everyone on them. We can get to the USA easily but it’s getting around within it that is problematic.

Thank you, look forward to see you all at 5.30am on the 17th